Every once in a while I will find something I really like. Something I find novel (no pun intended here). Who thought of this? was my question when I first saw a "Painted Book". Then I became intrigued with the idea. Simply put, it is a unique piece that adds color to a table or shelf. In starting to work on this project, I found 3 categories: (1) a generic book with the front cover and spine painted, (2) a specific title that one is interested in or has a sentimental value (such as a favorite novel), and (3) several books of the same size that are stacked with the front cover of the top book and the spines of all three painted.
Scouring through old book stores, estate sales, and thrift stores, I look for both interesting titles and series (where the books are the same size). I have everything from obscure titles such as "Dave Darrin at Vera Cruz on the Mediterranean " dating back to 1914 to Tina Brown's more recent very interesting book "Vanity Fair". I try to choose both interesting and colorful colors and themes. These vary from using a metallic gold background with a garden scene to trailing vines of flowers. Since the painted books are used as Objects d'Art, I have even painted a very large 1700 page tome (a book about the certification of nurses - who knew). This results in a larger piece that makes more of a statement.
Having seen these painted books on sale for as much as $45 to $75 each, my offerings are for much more reasonable ($20 - $30 each). Also, I am open to painting a book (or books) on commission. If interested, please let me know through the Contact button on the Blog.
Besides being a lovely piece for one's home, one of these painted books can make a unique gift. Take a look:
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